Tuesday 6 March 2012

10 places for the Royal Parks Half Marathon!


Doctors for Nepal has just secured 10 places for the Royal Parks Half Marathon on Sunday 7th October 2012.  

This is London's most beautiful run and with only 13.1 miles to cover, is like a stroll in the park for keen runners (forgive the pun). 

Furthermore, we will only require you to pledge to raise £500 for DFN.

If you fancy joining the other 12,500 runners taking part in this, do get in contact with us asap and spread the word to anyone else you know who would like to take part in this with us.

For inspiration, read more about Nina and Ryan's fundraising efforts.

Ryan's running flat out for Doctors for Nepal!

Ryan, another one of Doctors for Nepal's intrepid runners preparing for the 2012 Brighton Marathon

"As this is my first marathon, I’m slowly settling into the training schedule and realising how big an undertaking this is!

I’m training with a fellow junior doctor, running home a couple times a week from Worthing to Brighton, and slowly upping our mileage week by week.

Praying we won’t get more cold weather down south, it’s definitely cold enough on our early morning and late night runs!

New running shoes on the way to give me the extra boost I’ll need in the coming weeks..

My justgiving page is www.justgiving.com/ryanhogannepal.

Please support me in fundraising to get more local doctors on the ground in these struggling communities."

Ryan is a brilliant supporter of Doctors for Nepal. As a medical student, he went out to the district of Kalikot, Western Nepal, last year for five weeks to support Doctors for Nepal's efforts and was particularly moved by the challenges that rural healthcare workers experience out there.

It is now too late to join Ryan in the 2012 Brighton Marathon, but there is always a plethora of charity events to take part in for Doctors for Nepal.

Or if you are more of an eater than a runner, it is not too late to join us at Wilderness Wood for DFN's unique candlelit fundraiser cooked by celebrity chef Manju Malhi on 17th March.